
What is this site all about? Who is “Jean-Paul” aka “JP”… (see the “About” page for more details)

This is site is (at least for now) primarily a blog about some major lifestyle, career and geographical changes I have made. More specifically, it’s about a South African guy who has moved to Taiwan after leaving a full-time academic job in his home country. Some might say this is a crazy move, but I have this motto (one of few) that might help you make sense if it:

“I don’t want to spend my whole life [simply] preparing to die comfortably!”

In addition to the blog, I hope this might also become a connection point for potential freelance work in the future (I’m exploring the idea of being a so-called “digital nomad“).

“Not all those who wander are lost…”

J.R.R. Tolkien, The Riddle of Strider, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Intuition & the Sociological Imagination (2)
There’s one more thing I want to add about my reflections on …
Intuition & the Sociological Imagination (1)
A few weeks ago I discussed the idea of the  sociological imagination …
What is the “sociological imagination”?
* Here's a link to the original post on LinkedIn * Over …
A positive mindset: A worthwhile endeavour
After a recent post expressing my #jobhunt frustrations (where I also requested …

Regarding the blog:

Please feel free to read and comment on my blog, but it comes with one caveat: none of what I’m saying should be taken as a ‘how to’ guide. I’m not here to give advice, I’m simply telling my story and occasionally putting some questions out there… I’ve enjoyed reading the stories, narratives, and/or reflections others have written, that were descriptive, not prescriptive. So, that’s how I’m trying to write.
(link to the blog)