A positive mindset: A worthwhile endeavour

After a recent post expressing my #jobhunt frustrations (where I also requested tips, advice, suggestions etc) on of my LinkedIn connections (who was also in my class at high school) reached out. We had a good chat over Google Meet and she gave me some good advice. Thanks, Caryn

One of the things she reminded me of was the importance of mindset, including focusing on potential solutions, rather than just challenges/problems.

With the professional and personal (I’m not going to unpack those here) challenges I’ve dealt with in recent years, maintaining a positive mindset has often been a challenge.

Recently, I’ve also enjoyed watching highlights of the Artistic Gymnastics World Championships that took place in Antwerp. Only those who have known me 25+ years are aware of the decade or so I did gymnastics as a kid/teen, but I still enjoy watching the sport and reminiscing about my limited success (I never made it to the World Champs). 

So, what’s the connection?

To the uninitiated watching a gymnastics event it could appear as though gymnasts occasionally do little Tik-Tok-type dances with a blank look on their faces. They’re actually visualising some part of their routine, perhaps their favourite part, perhaps the most challenging part that they have to get right. You might have noticed other athletes doing something similar.

It’s a constant practice in the gymnasium during training too. If something goes wrong, your coach tells you how to correct it, or even how to improve something that’s gone right. 

You visualise making that adjustment, whether it’s doing something a split-second sooner, or the slightest change in angle. 

Those memories of visualising leading to tangible results (and perhaps a place on the podium) was a helpful catalyst to get me work on shifting my focus and improving my mindset. It’s easier-said-than-done at times, but I’m working on it.

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